
2018, Brazil

Combating misogyny, sexism, racism; defending democracy and human rights.

The #EleNão (Not Him) movement emerged as a women-led protest in Brazil in 2018, in response to Jair Bolsonaro’s presidential candidacy. Initially created and propagated through the Facebook group “Mulheres Unidas Contra Bolsonaro” (Women United Against Bolsonaro), the movement quickly transcended the digital sphere, becoming one of the largest women-led protests in the history of Brazil. #EleNão stands out not only for its digital expression and local significance but also for its internationalization and transnational nature. On September 29, 2018, cities worldwide witnessed protests of varying scales against Jair Bolsonaro’s candidacy, underscoring the global reach and impact of the movement. In Portugal, a country with close ties to Brazil due to shared history and migration waves, #EleNão also found local expression, both online and in the streets.

Scientific output within the scope of this case study


Presentations by invitation

Intersectional Feminism and Resistance: Analysis of Media Coverage of the #EleNão Movement in Portugal

Priscilla Domingos

Lunch with Science (LwS), Lusófona University, Portugal/Online

February 28, 2024

Ativismos feministas: Desafios dos/nos movimentos transnacionais

Carla Cerqueira

Comunicação e Media: Corpo, Género e Ativismo, Aberta University (MEM-UAb), Online Format

May 15, 2023

Ativismos feministas glocais: reflexões a partir do caso português

Carla Cerqueira

October 11, 2022

Peer-reviewed Presentations

Do Brasil a Portugal: Uma discussão das características transnacionais e glocais do #EleNão nos media

Ana Sofia Pereira, Priscilla Domingos, Carla Cerqueira & Célia Taborda

III Congresso Internacional do CIEG, School of Social and Political Sciences, Lisbon, Portugal

January 31 - February 2, 2024

De la red a la calle: Análisis de la cobertura informativa portuguesa sobre el movimiento feminista #EleNão

Priscilla Domingos

June 29 – 30, 2023

Movimentos feministas glocais: Ações de resistência nas redes e nas ruas

Carla Cerqueira, Célia Taborda & Ana Sofia Pereira

April 27 – 28, 2023

Ativismos feministas transnacionais contemporâneos: Entre o digital e o presencial

Carla Cerqueira, Célia Taborda & Ana Sofia Pereira

IV International Conference Activisms in Africa, Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal

January 25 – 27, 2023

Movimento feminista como forma de resistência à cultura hegemónica: entre as redes e as ruas

Célia Taborda Silva, Carla Cerqueira & Ana Sofia Pereira

December 5 – 7, 2022
